“ This in hindsight was to be a very significant convention as it proved to be the last London Tattoo convention as we know it"


It's the Hobo Jack TBT guys! This week we're taking you back to Sept 2019. After the roaring success of the Brighton and Bristol conventions it only seemed right for the Hobo's to hit the best convention in the world-LONDON! and the boy's went big with a 10m stand and a team that included skaters Dan Katchi & Lee Blackwell performing at the Vans ramp, like the previous conventions the brand was hugely well received and upon walking around the convention it seemed the brand adorned every other person attending the event. This in hindsight was to be a very significant convention as it proved to be the last London Tattoo convention as we know it, with Covid striking in 2020 and the death of one half of the founding team,  Miki Vialetto (Founder) made the heartbreaking decision to disperse the event. The Hobo's will still remain to hit the conventions up and down the country in 2021 (rules permitting!) and there has even been talk of hitting a convention overseas :) so watch this space. 



More images below from Danny Woodstock Photographer   

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